My month in Puycelsi was one of the most memorable experiences of my writing life. Every day there, I wrote as long as I could, glad to have the freedom and space to immerse myself in my novel draft; I spent much of the rest of my time in the surrounding forest, climbing up and down the dramatic cliffs at least once every day. One week, there was so much fog surrounding the ramparts that I could barely see the countryside; other days I was treated to some of the best sunsets I’ve ever seen off the back patio of the retreat. After I quit for the night, I’d wander the village walls and look at the stars, sometimes not quite believing I was really there. It was in every way a truly magical time. Dorothy Alexander and her husband David were brilliant hosts, friendly and encouraging and generous, and I’m so grateful for the gift they’ve made to me and other writers with this residency. I hope that everyone who comes after me finds it as welcoming and inspirational as I did.